About Us
:: Shop in person ::
WE MOVED. New address
144 Old Brookfield Road.
Danbury CT 06822
Danbury CT 06822
For STORE HOURS please scroll to bottom of main front page. Last minute closings updated on Instagram and Facebook
Welcome to our shop, where we fill your heart and home with gifts that Mother Earth has grown for us. Our shop features hand selected crystals and minerals, candles, incense, handmade jewelry + hand crafted gifts from local artist, tarot cards and one-of-a-kind home Accents.
Stay up to date with us on social media for specials events like psychic fairs, moon circles, beginners workshop, crafty workshops, psychics readers, astrology readers, palm readers and so much more.
Lunastry is a combination of the Latin word Luna, meaning moon. And Astry which is shortened for astrology, the study of celestial bodies that have a great influence on our human affairs and natural world.. We believe in magic, love and the well being of your mind, body and soul.

Paola Wolff is the owner of Lunastry. She’s a Mother of two beautiful souls,
fur mom to 3 cats and 1 bunny.
crystal obsessed
🌞 Libra Sun 🌙 Virgo moon✨ Leo rising
born in Honduras
and raised in The Bronx, New York City.
Currently residing in Danbury CT. Her ancestral roots come from the maya culture in Honduras, Central America.
Her great grandmother was an Indigenous woman who was raised in a mountainside tribe and only spoke their tribes dialect. Stories of her tribe honoring their full and new moon rituals intrigued Paola. This led her to connect with her great grandmother’s spirit which has guided her on her spiritual journey.
Paolas childhood trauma lead her on her healing journey where it ultimately opened up her love for Shamanism and Astrology. Paola is in tune with her divine spiritual mentors and Her animal spirit guides that are a big part of her journey. Paola has broken her generational trauma, healed her ancestral pain, and acknowledges her generational strengths. She believes Our ancestors have given us more than just wounds. She wishes to share her experience in hopes to inspire you to explore your own magical energy.